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Accessing Your Membership

Once memberships are active, you can request a list of current members to be emailed to your group securely. These conform to GDPR standards whilst still allowing you to efficiently contact all of your members to tell them about the exciting opportunities and activities you have to offer.

Access to Membership Lists

To access a list of your registered members you need to follow this link. The link will take you to a student group membership list sign-in page. If you are not a committee member you will not be permitted to sign in. From there on you'll need to enter your group's email address. The page will bring up a drop-down menu where you should be able to select your group. On submission, an email with an attached spreadsheet will be sent to your group's email address containing your members' details.

Contacting Your Members

With your list of members, you can contact them by email through your preferred means. The Union recommends the following resources for contacting your members by email. BCC emails: Using your email account, you can email students using the Blank Carbon Copy field (BCC). It's important, particularly for large groups, not to enter emails in the 'To' or 'CC' fields as this makes your member list public and open to abuse.

MailChimp allows you to send easy to design newsletters to lists of emails. It's free for up to 2,000 subscribers and should meet the needs of most groups so feel free to check this out.

You may also wish to use social media resources to contact your members and gain publicity. This is also welcome. For example, depending on your members' privacy settings, you may be able to add them as friends on Facebook and invite them to any Facebook Groups you have set up, searching by email.

Please note that while your members have agreed to share their contact information with you, please do treat it carefully and securely. Do not share your membership list with any third party, your members or another student group and delete lists when no longer required.

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